Varun is currently a rising 11th grader at West Shore Jr./Sr. High School with a 4.0+ GPA since 7th grade. His favorite subjects are math and science. At West Shore, he is the president of Mu Alpha Theta (the math honor society) and a member of the National Honor Society. He was the MathCounts Regional Competition Champion and was a member of the 18th place team at the MathCounts State Competition, and continues to take part in AMC, FAMAT, and other math contests. He participated in the 2011 National Chemistry Olympiad through his scores on a regional qualifying test. Varun plans for a career in a math & science-related field. Varun’s other interest is music. He is concertmaster of West Shore’s chamber orchestra and is 2nd violin section leader in the Brevard Symphony Youth Orchestra’s Philharmonic Orchestra. Also, Varun has participated in the All-County Orchestra for the past 4 years and made the All-State Honors Orchestra in 8th grade. In the past year, he was a music mentor at Club Esteem, where he taught underprivileged ‘at-risk’ children how to play the violin. In addition, he is founder of MusicMDs, a student-run volunteer group that uses music to promote healing and recovery in Brevard County healthcare settings. Varun is an active community volunteer and has served over 250 hours through the end of 10th grade. Varun hopes to score as high as possible on the SAT.
Sean Carroll
Sean Carroll is a member of the class of 2013 at Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy. He has maintained highest honors (4.0+ GPA) since 7th grade. He plans to study some form of engineering when he goes off to college, but he is still undecided as to what particular field of engineering that he will specialize in. After obtaining a degree in engineering, Sean plans to go to graduate school to obtain an MBA. His two passions are lacrosse and cross-country. He is the current president of the Latin club at his school and has placed at the State Latin forum several times. He is also a member of the National Honor Society, the National English Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, and the Thespian Society. He also sits on the Honor Council at Holy Trinity. Sean's ultimate goal would be to score a perfect 2400, but he would accept anything above a 2300. Sean hopes to work after college as an engineer or as someone who facilitates the ideas of engineers to others.
Emily Catizone
Emily Catizone is a member of the Space Coast Junior/Senior High School Class of 2012. She is the captain of her high school drum line and has held many other leadership positions ranging from Student Body Vice President to Secretary of the Spanish Club. Emily scored in the top 3% of students who took the 2010 PSAT, has a 4.0 un-weighted GPA, and volunteers with the SPCA, American Cancer Society, and other organizations. She is duel-enrolled with Brevard Community College and enjoys the rigor of the Advanced Placement classes offered by her high school. Although she has already taken the SAT and ACT and has met the Florida Academic Scholars Award score requirements, Emily is working to improve her scores as much as possible. When she graduates, Emily plans on enrolling in a university and joining the engineering program there. She would like to become a Biomedical Engineer and work as a researcher specializing in artificial tissue and organ development. When she is enrolled at a university, Emily plans on joining its student government program and steel band as well as pursuing undergraduate research opportunities.
Jaclyn Martin
Jaclyn Martin is a member of the class of 2013 at West Shore Jr./Sr. High School. She has maintained a GPA of 4.0+ since the seventh grade, and is on her way to graduate valedictorian. Jaclyn is a member of the National Honor Society, National Beta Club, and the Spanish Honor Society where she regularly volunteers her time to help the school community. On top of these clubs, she regularly volunteers and always finds time to give back, whether it be helping classmates study or helping teachers set up. She is also involved in student government, serving as the Vice President of the sophomore class, and the Historian for the junior class. Planning to study chemical engineering and chemical analysis, Jaclyn would like to attend a well renowned university after she graduates. Jaclyn also enjoys playing tennis, being a varsity player throughout her time at West Shore, in addition to playing in the school band. Jaclyn is hoping to score a perfect 2400 on the SAT and a 36 on the ACT. Jaclyn would ultimately like to work engineering new uses for chemicals and enhancing preexisting processes of chemical analysis and productions.
Karina Mann
Karina Mann is a member of the Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy class of 2013. She is interested in statistics as well as foreign languages. Karina has received a highest honors GPA every year since seventh grade. She is a member of the National Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, National English Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta. In addition to her contributions to these academic societies, Karina has served in her school’s student government in both tenth and eleventh grade. She also is a competitive runner and scored at the cross country 1A state championships to help her team win first in 2009. Karina enjoys performing traditional Indian dances and has spent over a hundred hours every year since eighth grade preparing with her dance team for their main performance at a non-profit Indian festival. She was selected to be a member of the J. Kyle Braid Leadership Foundation, which develops skills of young leaders so that they may positively impact their communities. Karina hopes to break 2250 on the SAT.
Ryan McCullough
Ryan McCullough is a student who attends Palm Bay High School in Melbourne, Florida. He is a member of the ROTC Drill Team there and took home more than thirty-seven first place trophies from various drill competitions as a team, including the title of “State Champions” at the state meet this past May. Ryan’s life goals are to become one the honored cadets to attend West Point Military Academy in New York, to become a Bio-mechanical engineer, and to serve his nation. On his free time, Ryan likes to spend hours playing his guitar, learning various songs, perfecting different techniques, and creating songs of his own that also include lyrics, or hanging out with his friends and family, where he attributes his happiness and satisfaction comes from. Ryan hopes to attain the highest possible score that he can get on the SAT, aiming for the high 2200s, and the ACT, where he aims for a 32.
Victor Rahner
Victor Rahner is a member of the Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy class of 2013. He has a Highest Honors GPA and is a member of the National Honor Society. Although he has participated in Holy Trinity's Spanish and Latin Clubs, his principal interests are sports and surfing. He has played on the Holy Trinity Varsity Lacrosse and Football teams since he was a freshman and he is President of the Holy Trinity Surf Club. Victor has volunteered as a counselor at Camp Wingmann, an overnight summer camp, and has twice traveled to Orlando with a group of friends to participate in a week long sports camp/vacation bible school for children in low income neighborhoods. Victor is a certified lifeguard who hopes to become an Ocean Lifeguard next summer. He plans to score as high as possible on the SAT.
Isabela Rovira
Isabela Rovira is currently a sophomore at Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy High School. She recently attended a summer studies course on Abnormal Psychology at Duke University’s Talent Identification Program(TIP) in Durham, North Carolina. She is also headed to Interlochen Summer Arts Camp in Michigan to major in Piano studies. Isabela auditioned for a seat in the strings section of the Florida Symphony Youth Orchestra in Orlando and was accepted for the 2011-2012 concert season. Extracurricular activities include the Holy Trinity yearbook staff, private instruction in piano and violin, National Honor Society, and the Florida Symphony Youth Orchestra. She is a member of DUKE TIP, the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth and National Society of High School Scholars. Isabela is also a member of Health First’s Teen Linking Lives Hospice Volunteer Program. Hobbies include reading graphic novels, computer graphics, music, video games, movies and hanging out with friends. Her career interests include Neuroscience and Music. Isabela is aiming for the highest score in both the ACT and the SAT.
Diana Sheedy
Diana Sheedy is a member of the West Shore Jr/Sr class of 2013. She has maintained a GPA of 4.0+, earning the perfect GPA award since seventh grade. Diana is the Junior Class Vice President and the publicity officer of the National French Honor Society. She is also a member of Mu Alpha Theta, the National Honor Society, Chamber Orchestra, and the Student Government Association. Outside of her courses, Diana serves her community through over 100 hours of tutoring and volunteering with underprivileged kids and medical patients. Diana is a third year varsity soccer player, first year varsity volleyball player, and first year varsity lacrosse player. Diana aspires to major in engineering, but the field is undecided. She hopes to score as high as possible on the SAT and ACT.
Coleman Sperando
Coleman Sperando is a member of the class of 2013 at Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy. He will be a first generation college graduate and is undecided on what he will study in college, but he knows his strengths are in math and science. He is a very kinesthetic learner and intrinsically motivated. His favorite sports are running and snow skiing. He runs 70-80 miles/week and his goal is to help lead his team to their thirteenth state championship title this fall. Church is also a very important aspect to Coleman’s life. Local volunteering and annual mission trips have taken him all the way from Texas to Jamaica. He has maintained highest honors throughout high school and is a member of the National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta. His goal is to receive a perfect score on the SAT.
Sangamithra "Sanju" Vardha
Sangamithra "Sanju" Vardhan is a student of West Shore Jr/Sr High School class of 2013. Sanju has received perfect GPA award since seventh grade. She is interested in Science (particularly chemistry), Math, and Latin. Sanju is currently a member of National Honor Society, National Latin Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, and National Society of High School Honors. She has participated and been placed in Regional and State Science Olympiads since eighth grade. Sanju has an avid passion for science research. She has competed in Science fairs since third grade and has placed first in Brevard County five times and won two Best of Show awards. Sanju has won State awards for 3 years and received the fourth place award in Microbiology in the 2011 International Science and Engineering Fair. Apart from her academic activities, Sanju plays for her school tennis team and USTA Junior team tennis, learns Carnatic music (Indian vocal music), dances tap and jazz, and loves to travel. Her USTA team came in fifth in the National Junior USTA competition in 2008. Sanju hopes to achieve a perfect score or near perfect score in SAT and ACT.