Performance on the Critical Reading Sections of the SAT and ACT can best be improved in two distinct ways. The first is to make a habit of reading an article every day. Read articles online or from publications like Time, National Geographic, New York Times, etc. Do not always read similar articles. Expand your horizons and read things that normally would not interest you. Read articles that are controversial, boring, or from a different perspective. Pay attention to the vocabulary as being exposed to more higher level vocabulary will increase your personal vocabulary. This will not only help your Critical Reading scores but also your writing for essays when applying for colleges or even just in your English classes. Check out HabitForge in the General Skillstab for help creating this habit of reading everyday. Check out the team members articles in the Daily Articles tab. The second way to improve your Critical Reading score is to practice vocabulary. Make flashcards of vocabulary from your articles or from words from the practice tests. Check out the Vocabulary tab for a great flashcard making resource.