Our group works out of the official guide books for each test. These books should be the only books students need to prepare for these tests. The SAT Official Guide has 10 practice tests that lend well to a 10-week schedule of one test per week. Link to the books below:
Gmail is very important for several reasons. Gmail is used frequently in the professional world and shows to colleges and prospective employers that you take email seriously. Gmail also yields important business and organizational tools, such as the Calendar and Documents features. It is also easy to import old email accounts to a new Gmail account. Link: Gmail.com
Dropbox is a secure, free, and popular service. It allows users to share files between computers or between colleagues. It allows users to access files on their home computers from almost any other computer. Link: Dropbox.com
Habitforge.com is a very useful website in general. It promotes the formation of habits that the user defines by sending an email everyday or until the habit is completed 21 days in a row (21 days being the length of time required for a habit to be forged). Link: HabitForge.com
Khan Academy
The Khan Academy is a free online tool for teaching yourself basic concepts in math, science, history, etc. The Khan Academy is a free website with hundreds of auto-didactic videos. See video below for further explanation. Link: KhanAcademy.org
Grammar Help
These two websites (listed below) are an excellent resource for grammar review. The first site shows the 20 most common grammatical errors seen on the SAT writing section. The website displays the errors with examples and corrects them. The second website is a list of the 100 most frequently used English idioms. This website lists the idioms with a definition of the idiom. Links: 20 Most Common Grammar Errors 100 Most Frequently Used English Idioms
Vocabulary Help
The 1000 most common SAT words is a great resource to utilize in making flashcards. These words can also be used to create Quizlet flashcards. See PDF file below: